Coral Reef Pin Set

At Tru Island we have passion for the water and everything living in it! Help us keep our waterways clean. A portion of proceeds will go towards hosting and donating to beach clean ups in Florida.


SKU: J32Y2-1 Category: Tag:

At Tru Island we have passion for the water and everything living in it! Help us keep our waterways clean. A portion of proceeds will go towards hosting and donating to beach clean ups in Florida.

Collect the limited edition coral reef set!
Enjoy a taste of our local waterways

Queen Angelfish
Butterfly Fish
Lion Fish
Spiny Lobster
Green Sea Turtle
Blue Parrotfish
Scrawled Filefish

The Artist
Jack Kelly is a marine biologist and ocean artist originally from London, England and currently based in Florida.

Having always harboured a deep passion for the ocean, marine science and diving, Jack graduated with a degree in BSc Marine Biology from the University of Plymouth in 2014. Upon graduating Jack moved to California to work in the field of marine science, working at aquariums and environmental organisations, and also painting marine life in his free time.

Jack currently resides in the tropical paradise of the Florida Keys, where he is lucky enough to work with non-releasable rescued marine species including sea turtles, sharks, rays and crocodilians – all of which continue to inspire his artwork.



Coral Reef Pin Set #1, Coral Reef Pin Set #2, Coral Reef Pin Set #3

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